The exhibition was created to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Adam Jacek Kozak’s creative work, which fell in 2019. The paintings currently on display are only part of the past jubilee exhibition.
The works can be purchased: those interested in buying them are asked to contact Director Stanisław Zając: tel. 32 441 60 28 (secretary’s office).

Adam Jacek Kozak – just last year, 2019, marked fifty years of our hero’s creative work. Painter, graphic artist, draughtsman – through all these years of changing eras, trends, and fashions, he was able to mark his individual and characteristic presence in the life of the region, the country, and Europe. A master of colour, who delights with his composition, harmony of colours and ambiguity of forms. The style of his works is sensual, ethereal, poetic, referring to tales, myths, and symbols of our civilisation. The forms in his works do not dominate, but create a cohesive relationship with colour and a delicate brushstroke. He is a peculiar director of his works, arranging forms which, when transposed, give an even greater impact on the viewer. A. J. Kozak paints in accordance with his creative ideology, not yielding to passing trends and fashions, and at the same time preserving the laws governing art. Throughout his entire creative path, he has been perfecting his workshop using various painting techniques. While creating, he thinks about the recipients, allowing them to “read” his works, giving them an impulse to activate new layers of their imagination. He has brought to perfection the perception of his world, full of both poetic sensitivity and artistic clarity and readability.

One cannot remain indifferent to Adam Jacek Kozak’s works. They delight with the richness of colours, variety in form, and – what is characteristic of this artist – they breathe freshness and great energy. A. J. Kozak’s works are appreciated not only by critics but also by other artists, for whom it is not easy to praise a fellow competitor. It is worth quoting Wiesław Ochman’s words – Impastos, delicate brushwork, precisely composed planes are his poetic language of painting, which means that despite the variety of forms, we are still dealing with the same, young at heart Kozak.
Looking at and reviewing the works and years of artistic work of A. J. Kozak we can boldly say that fashions and trends pass – Kozak will remain.
Grażyna Kasprowicz

Adam Jacek Kozak was born in 1943 in Kraków. He graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków, Faculty of Graphics in Katowice in 1969. In 1970, he became a member of the Polish Association of Artists and Designers. Since graduating, he has lived and worked in Bytom. He devoted many of his works to Silesia. The artist’s works have been presented at individual exhibitions in Poland, Germany, Yugoslavia, Spain, and Canada. They are also in the Upper Silesian Museum in Bytom and the Sports Museum in Warsaw.
During the 50 years of his artistic work, A. J. Kozak has been repeatedly awarded in national and international competitions and biennials, incl.
1975 – 2nd prize in the National Competition “Man”
1976 – Award of the International Olympic Committee for the exhibition “Art Show” in the Olympic Village in Montreal, Canada
1976 – 3rd prize in the Polish-Finnish Maritime Graphics Competition
1977 – 3rd prize at the International Graphic Biennale in Madrid
1977 – 2nd prize at the Polish National Competition J. Gielniak in Jelenia Góra