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Exhibition date: from November 28, 2020

Authors of photos: Krzysztof Miller, Marek Wesołowski

Partner: “Góry Kultury” Association

The project was co-financed by the Self-Government of the Śląskie Voivodeship.

The METAMORPHOSES project refers to the 100th anniversary of the Second Silesian Uprising, and its aim is to commemorate this event in a modern and unconventional way through photographs and collages with historical and contemporary motifs. The calendar, accompanied by the exhibition, is filled with photos of Silesians, including children. The figures are photographed against the background of contemporary architecture throughout Silesia.  Additionally, the characters of the “calendar pages” in some symbolic way, e.g. through archival photographs or uniforms, refer to the Second Silesian Uprising. In this way, the project not only attempts to show the continuity and historical memory as well as the pride of Silesians from Silesia and the changes that our Region is constantly undergoing, but also shows that history can be talked about in a modern, unconventional, and visually attractive way.

METAMORPHOSES is the eighth installment of the project involving the publication of a calendar presenting values ​​related to the region of Upper Silesia.

Fot. Marek Wesołowski

» Bez kategorii » Metamorphoses

19 February 2021

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