My friend Angel

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Author: Bożena Wiśniowska

Date: March 23 – April 22, 2019

The protagonists of the exhibition are angels who have always appeared in Bożena Wiśniowska’s artwork. The artist conceives them as spiritual intelligent beings, carrying light and goodness with them. In her paintings they are characterized by joy and smile. Bożena Wiśniowska’s pictures and collages contain such simple and needed today message about friendship, love and beauty.

To perform her work the author used not only a brush, pencils and crayons, but also paper, scraps of shiny fabrics and fragments of reproduction of old works of art. Paintings are created with a great sense of form, color and perspective, but also with humor. The role of detail deserves to be emphasized here.

Bożena Wiśniowska is a graduate of the Faculty of Art at the University of Silesia in Cieszyn.

» wystawa » My friend Angel

27 March 2019

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