The Count’s salon

“The Count’s Salon” is the name of a permanent historical exhibition. At Donnersmarcks time this small room with decorative plafond served as the living room of Countess Teresa, sister of Count Lazarus V, the last actual owner of the palace. Unfortunately, the historical turmoil meant that little was left of the palace equipment, except the vault, the fireplace and the chandelier in the vestibule. One can only reproduce the atmosphere of the era by exposing 19th and 20th century furniture. The original palace furniture is a wooden chair with a black seat, perhaps a marble inkwell also comes from here. 

There is also a piano and furniture (red armchairs, a sofa and a table) from Wojciech Weiss’ manor in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska  – it is a deposit given to Centrum by the Weiss grandaughter Mrs Renata Weiss. ).

The walls of the “Count’s Salon” are decorated with three paintings by Wojciech Weiss, which were also deposited by Mrs. Weiss. These are: “The artist’s family at the table” (1922), “Portrait of Emilia Florkowa” and “Modisten” (1922).

see also: Wojciech Weiss Collection

on February 20 • by

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